Who holds the moral high ground?

As published in The Leavenworth Times, April 3, 2012.

Liberals routinely claim the moral high ground.  They believe government should directly help the poor and other groups of victims, and assert that conservatives just want to make things better for the rich.  An air of superiority permeates the demeanor of many university professors, wealthy movie stars, and cable network personalities.  For them, there is no debate: they are morally superior.  To that end, they push for ever bigger, more intrusive government.  That has a feedback effect: the more people depending on big government, the more downtrodden to vote for Democrats to continue it, and the more superior they feel.

But are they more moral, as a group, than conservatives? Should we hold them up as models of morality? First, a disclaimer – politicians of all stripes are often corrupt and self-serving, but let’s ignore that and just assume liberals and conservatives act for what they believe is the greater good, not just for themselves.

First of all, liberals reside on the left of the big-to-smaller-government spectrum, as well as the left of the government-power-to-personal-freedom spectrum. They always push for bigger, more powerful government – with more regulations, more taxes, and less freedom for the individual.  Point for conservatives.

Liberals want government to decide who is poor, keep raising the poverty line, and do all they can to keep government largesse flowing to them, rather than improve their overall circumstances. They don’t really want the poor to help themselves. They have allowed nearly half of the public to get away with paying no taxes whatever.  In effect, they attempt to make many voters dependent on government money.  Conservatives want to make it possible for people to help themselves.

Liberals aren’t fiscally responsible.  They’ve grown the deficit and the public debt under Obama, and despite holding all power for two years, have made no move to reform anything.  They’ve run the government on continuing resolutions, never daring to produce a budget which might have to cut a government program.

Leftists are notorious for dishonesty.  They believe the end justifies any means.  Liberals dance dangerously close to that attitude.  For example, liberal journalists and TV personalities routinely pretend to be objective while pushing the liberal agenda.  This is hypocrisy. 

LIberals consistently attack family values, such as traditional marriage and religious freedom. They have asserted rights that never existed before, and imposed them on the majority.

Liberals have no compunction in using mobs to enforce their minority will on the majority.  The huge, organized demonstrations in Wisconsin are an example; the various Occupy movements are another.  Mob action is the opposite of rational discourse and democratic process.  Conservative movements like the Tea Party have behaved properly, and have never used mob action to try to enforce their will.

Liberals seem to hate capitalism.  They want totally regulated economy.  Never mind that such has never worked – even Russia and China have had to back away from it.  Vigorous capitalist economies have done more to raise the standard of living than anything else, particularly in America.  But Liberals still fight it.

From all of the above, and much more, conservatives in general really hold the moral high ground.  The Obama administration proves that.  Obama flaunts the will of the majority – mostly conservatives who want smaller, simpler, less intrusive government, personal freedom and responsibility, and a lawful society.  He has increased government power: ignoring congress on many issues, increasing government size, allowing the debt to grow more than all previous presidents combined, taking over health care, spending ever more, refusing to even consider entitlement reform (while saying he is interested in doing so), pushing irrational energy ideas, and on and on.   

He does all that with an arrogant, confident air.  But you can’t blame him: he’s a liberal, therefore he believes he is morally superiorHe’s wrong.  





Occupying Wall Street

(As published in The Leavenworth Times, November 1, 2011.)

Note – I may have gone too far with “mob rat”.  “mob stooge” might be a better term. 

What if your job was – to protest?  To be a part of the Occupy Wall Street mob.  What would your daily duties be?  What equipment would you need?  How would you live?

I call it a job if you’re paid to do it.  Glenn Beck (irritatingly right most of the time) said on Fox News Friday that some of the mob members are being paid several hundred dollars a week to lead the mob by example.  OK, it’s a vast left-wing conspiracy.  But let’s just concentrate on you, the typical mob rat.  Let’s say you aren’t being paid, you joined on your own.

You, the mob member, probably aren’t a deep thinker.  Since the movement has no declared goals other than to whine at certain realities — corporations operate for profit, and therefore must be greedy;  some people are paid more than you; big government may have to shrink and cut your entitlements.  Some might recognize that mob action can’t do much about those things.  But that’s not you.  

How were you recruited?  Probably, by looking at a website, such as OccupyWallStreet.org.  Or possibly by Facebook, from a friend.  All you needed to know was provided: your slogans, the time, the place, the fuzzy goals.  You were already angry at the world, you thought this was the way to rage at it.  So, you made up your mind to travel to New York.

What equipment did you need?  A bedroll, possibly a tent.  Warm clothes.  Sun block.  Money or a credit card, to travel.  A few foodstuffs.  Cardboard, sticks, markers, and tape to make signs.  A like-minded friend or two to go with you.

When you get there?  Find an open space to camp out.  Pitch your tent.  Make a sign with something like “**** the rich!”  Call home on your cell to see if mom can send more money.  Sing songs or talk until very late.  Finally, lie down and sleep on the hard ground. 

What happens each day?   You get up.  Build a fire, or better, join someone else’s.  Breakfast on whatever is available.  Around nine, follow the leaders (the ones with the bull horns, perhaps) to this day’s hangout point.  Stand around, in the group, waving your sign, all day.  If anyone comes by, engage them in conversation.  Annoy them.   Impede their progress.  Call them Capitalist Pigs, or something similar.  Hope it doesn’t rain.  Have a candy bar for lunch, or more – maybe some sympathizer will bring pizza and soda.  Talk with your fellow mob rats.  Laugh.  Yell.  Sing.  If there’s a nearby port-a-potty or public toilet, use it as needed.  If not . . . what the Hell.

When darkness comes, back to your tent, the songs, the campfire, the hard ground. 

The next day, the same thing, perhaps a different protest place, such as Times Square.  Hope you don’t get arrested.  Or, maybe, you hope you do.  That might be a hoot.

It’s a great life.  It makes you feel as if you’re accomplishing something.  What, you don’t know, but it beats working or going to school.